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Dr Craig Buchanan JP

Councillor, City of Rockingham 



Hi, I'm Craig Buchanan, one of the elected Councillors for the City of Rockingham. I am committed to putting common sense back into local government. Here you will find my regular video updates, outlining what's coming up at our next Council meeting, as well as what went on, and what decisions were taken, at our last.  I also have a series of short videos on a range of subjects of importance to the ordinary ratepayes of the City, which will form a video manifesto as we move towards the election. 


You'll also find buttons to the right of the page, and again down at the bottom, which will allow your to get in touch with me.  I am committed to listening, and to taking your feedback on board, so please don't hesitate to reach out, and to share any concerns or comments you might have.


Kind regards,



Published and Authorised by Craig Buchanan © 2022

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