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Book Reviews

I guess it goes without saying (well, I hope it goes without saying) that, as an academic working in the field of English history and literature, I enjoy reading.  Indeed, it's rare that you'll find me without a book (or three) within easy reach.  That being said, I've never been one to limit myself to academic tomes - I enjoy a good thriller, can't go past a well written space opera, and have been known to dip into the fields of fantasy, historical fiction, crime ... I like to think I have broad but discerning tastes.


For a number of years now, I've been fortunate enough to be a regular reviewer for The Big Issue here in Australia, mostly focused on crime and thrillers, but with an occasional foray into other areas.  Copies of my Big Issue reviews will normally be posted here once the edition in question is no longer in circulation - if you want to read them sooner than that, head into your local CBD and part with $7 to help a homeless vendor out - it's a great publication, containing some great stories, and published in the name of helping people to help themselves.  Often, I receive review copies that we don't have space to cover in the magazine, and if I think they're worthy of note, I'll add a review here on the site.  All up, those reviews will be archived on the right hand side of this page.


Every six months or so, I'll also aim to produce a forward looking post on those books that I'm most looking forward to receiving in the next half-year.  The most recent of those is listed below, and a full breakdown can be found on my Blog page.


With John, my mate and regular Big Issue vendor in Perth's CBD.

A recent (very successful) trawl through the bookstores of Fremantle

Published and Authorised by Craig Buchanan © 2022

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