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Craig's campaign welcomes volunteers who would be willing to leaflet the Rockingham area, attend local events as part of the campaign, or lend a hand on polling day.  Any assistance you can offer would be a great help to us!


If you are interested in getting involved, please let us have your contact details (and your areas of interest, if applicable) via email (


As an independent candidate, it's fair to say that we don't have the backing of the 'big guns', be they the Liberal's access to big business, or the Labor Party's union funds.  As a result, every cent counts!  If the future of Point Peron, of local jobs, and grassroots representative democracy matter to you, then we would urge you to consider making a donation, however small, to assist the campaign.  $5 would help us to leaflet a local street.  $10 would allow us to boost a Facebook advert to reach fellow voters.


We have set up a crowdfunding option which allows supporters to donate as much or as little as they would like to our campaign fund.  Click the button below to access our crowdfunding account.



Published and Authorised by Craig Buchanan © 2022

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